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Career Development– Taking Control – the ultimate guide to navigating & managing a rewarding career track


With the world as your oyster, the possibilities can seem overwhelming. What does the future hold, where will we end up, what control do we have in shaping the future? Based on a combination of understanding personal motivation and personality fit, combined with smart planning and sharp radar for what employers are now looking for, you can successfully navigate the complex choices in front of you, with confidence.

Programme Objectives:

  • Develop the confidence/mindset to take charge of your career planning (vs accidental careers)
  • Understand the myths and hype around early young professionals at work and why making the right personal fit choices is the only long term success goal
  • Dreams and career planning – a visual experience
  • Take into consideration the 4 critical factors in successful career development and apply them
  • Use the 5 stage career decision-making process flow chart to action plan your way to a more rewarding career
  • Identify the right research to carry out as a foundation for planning your way to success
  • How to recognize your personal brand and what does it affect in your long term career
  • Learn the techniques for advancing your career – looking forward and staying current
  • Explore the characteristics of 4 different industry types

Course outline:

A definition – what is a career development and what does it involve?

Judge, jury and fake news – as these facts about early professionals true?

How to decide your future – 2 example techniques

Roles and influencers in career development and how to manage them

The growth (continuous learning) and planning mindset – what’s important

4 critical factors for effective career management – what are your strengths and biggest challenges?

Taking control – the 5 stage process for successful career management and planning

Structured planning – 4 ways to think about yourself and the environment you work in

The key decision equation in career management and why you should follow it

Managing yourself, managing your brand – deciding who you are and letting people know

Reflective practice – how to sharpen the saw with a simple but regular technique

Next level – career advancement and moving forward – skills of the future, management and leadership roles

Typical industry career profiles and requirements – how your personality will align with different roles/industries

Designed for:

Early career professionals who want to take charge of their career development


1 day

Maximum number of participants:


Posted in Professional & Personal Skills