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Risk Management


The importance of risk management, particularly on projects, is often underestimated and can cost organisations, both in financial terms and for their reputations. Awareness of risk has increased as we currently live in a less stable economic and political environment, but often the identification and analysis of the risks fall short.

The purpose of this risk management training course is to provide a greater understanding of business risk and how to identify and manage it.

This risk management course looks at risk from different perspectives and analyses the possibilities for managing it in each situation. It focuses primarily on operational, project, and reputation risk management.

Who will this course benefit?

Anyone who has the responsibility to assess and manage risk within a variety of projects

The returning participants will benefit by:

  • Learning to appreciate the need for the management and review of risk
  • Be able to provide a framework & process for the management of risk
  • To understand techniques to identify, assess, manage & monitor risks
  • To enable the delegates to have experience in using some of these techniques
  • To understand the importance of planning and implementing identified risk management actions
  • Understanding the overall management of risk process


1 day

Maximum numbers:


Posted in Professional & Personal Skills